
Monday, January 4, 2010

New year New goals New me :)

SO its been freaking forever since i wrote on my blog and that saddens me. ALot has happened in the last couple months and in all honesty I'm glad to say 2009 is OVER! I'm exited to be able to have this fresh start where i can do anything and accomplish it as well. I want to go back to school so i can eventually open a cake business. I'm going to work full time again and I'm going to start going back to church.I have come to realise the most important things in life are the things that stick around even when you don't. I want to say sorry and i also want to say i love you, I'm sure you know who you are and i think you amazing and i dont want to go another day with out you because your my other half my best friend and my sister:)Anotheroneof my goals is to write on my blog more often and be better at it ;)