
Monday, October 3, 2011

Long time no blog....

Its been a while since I have posted anything and I always think about it but I just have so much going on I don't know where to start or where to start! This post will be an overload of info!

First and far most we have moved into our first house! We are unpacked (for the most part) and adjusting to having space to move in! It was originally the house my grandpa was living in and he recently moved out so we are renting it now :) Its a little two bedroom one bath which is perfect for us! I'm working on decorating it and making it more cozy as I have the funds for it. I'll put pics up as I go along! Right now the baby room (EEK!!) is currently a storage room, my goal is to have it cleaned out by the time we know what were having, which is in a week and 2 days so I can start making it into baby paradise :)

Speaking of our little peanut, WE HAVE FELT OUR FIRST KICKS!! At first they were just little bitty ones that Caleb could barely feel. Last night however I was laying in the couch with my hands on my belly (something you can always find me doing) and all of a sudden I feel two kicks in my hand and then another little one! Caleb was upset he was working when it happened. I'm hoping well have another kick fest soon when hes home. I love it when I'm doing normal daily things and all of a sudden I feel little kicks and punches, it brightens my day! We find out what we are having and I honestly cannot wait! This week is going to go by so dang slow! I'm getting pretty big, I broke down and bought a pair of maternity pants at Target for $7 and it was the best $7 dollars I've ever spent! They're still a little big but they are heaven.

As many of you know I haven't been working since Caleb and I got married I have been looking but nothing has worked out and being pregnant has made it even harder. Well today Papa took me to go pick up some applications and I started out feeling very discouraged. I went to 5 different places and was told by each they were not hiring. Papa suggested that I go into Mancinos (His favorite restaurant) so to humor him I did. The host told me they were looking for servers and she handed me an application. I had this feeling to fill it out in the car and take it back in. As I walked in the owner came out from the back and asked me if we could chat! We talked for about 20-30 minutes and he hired me on the spot! I thought since he was so kind before we went further Id mention I was pregnant and he was 100% ok with it! he told me they'd work with my appointments and maternity leave and if I was as good as I seemed give me flexible hours after the baby is born! IT'S PERFECT :) It just reassured me that God listens to our prayers and knows what we need! I'm so glad that I've stayed faithful and patient it's truly blessed me.

The only other big thing I can think of that Ive been doing lately is my cooking! Now that I have an area to cook and bake in it's all I want to do! I have been recipe researching for days and I LOVE it! I am just waiting till I have the funds to get your basic ingredients pans and such! I am so exited for the holidays I am going to make so many different things :) Once I get better at things I will post recipes and pictures! Tonight is homemade Crock pot Split Pea Soup! I've never made it before so we'll see how it goes!

Hope I didn't bore you all to much!
Till next time :)


Steph said...

Wow--I didn't realize it had been so long since I'd checked your blog! Congratulations on your marriage and the baby! I hope all is going well and that you are happy!

Talia said...

Thank you! I appreciate that :) Things are going well we are quite happy! I hope everything is good with you as well I miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

awww what an adorable little house! i still can't believe you have a baby in your belly!