So being sick sucks obviously, but being prego and sick is a wholenether sucky. Ive always been a big baby when it comes to sickness though. (Meaning Id cry for my mom or dad to come home and nurture me.) Im counting down the minutes till my glorious hubby walks through the front door. I never thought Id say this but I wish I could take the awe full tasting Theraflu right now and be knocked out by its grossness.
On the bright side I'm 33 weeks which leaves us with only 7 more to go!!!
My baby fever has gotten outta control and I'm more than ready for this little girl to make her grand entrance. However I'm not going to lie the thought of labor terrifies me to pieces. I know I know women have been doing it since time began but do you remember me saying having a cold makes me a baby?
(I started this yesterday didn't finish, and now I'm going to)
We have gotten a really good start on little girls nursery! We decided on a forest animal theme with owls being the main feature lol I don't know why but I have fallen in love with owl anything lately!
We are making a a tree with little animals for around it and then above her crib were going to do a moon with a Daddy Mommy and Baby owl! This weekend I am hoping to finish up painting and get the tree started :)
My baby shower is the 4th and Dani is throwing it for me I honestly cannot wait Im getting very anxious and impatient for these 7 weeks to pass.
Oh for the record my New Year Resolutions are...
Watch my language.
Be the best wife/mom I can be (including house chores and cooking)
Get back down to the size I was after I have little peanut.
Read my scriptures more often.
Save up enough money to fly home in May (more of a goal lol)
Those are the only one Im willing to share :)
The only picture I got of Caleb and I on New Years Eve was this one. Yes hes got a mouth full of crackers and cheese and Ive got some chubby looking cheeks. Pretty much sums up our night ;) I love him, he completes me.